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New Guidebooks for Today's Travellers

Today's travellers want more depth of coverage. And Longtail Guides is leading the way with highly informative guides that are closely focussed on a particular location or activity.

Traditional printed travel guides need to cover wide subject areas in order to generate the volume of sales that justifies the expensive cost of printing and distribution. Such guides often lack more than 3 or 4 pages of colour photographs, are quickly out of date and a nuisance to carry around.

Longtail Guides bring together the Internet as a publishing medium and the detailed personal knowledge of the particular editor. They are downloadable and accessible on a wide range of devices including your computer at home, laptops, i-pads and other mobile devices. Easy to keep right up to date. Crisp full screen views, lots of high quality colour images, page navigation and universal search facility make them the ideal travel planner or companion.

The Longtail Guide to Royan
Guide to the popular seaside town of Royan on the Atlantic coast of France together with the surrounding area.
www.royan.co.uk for more details .

The Longtail Guide to La Rochelle
The definitive visitors guide to "the prettiest city in France"


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